Thursday, June 12, 2008

Complications Complications...

In some instances, it is better to write…
In some instances, it is better to speak up…
In some instances, it is better to keep quiet…

Miscommunication and the lack of it, leads to complications...

Oh well!

That's All!


philos said...

Hmm... interesting.

Anonymous said... some instances, it is better to stop being conceited and self-centered
and in some instances, it is better to apologize to the people you hurt and accept your fault/errors to prevent complications.

right aline? try mo, it helps.

ALiNe said...

Philos- Hmmmm....

ALiNe said...

Name(using skyinet/bayantel): I’ve got a suggestion, try to apply what you’ve said to yourself before whimpering in my blog - after all there's no one to blame but yourself.

Stop relishing your grudges, after all holding a grudge harms you more than the person who wronged you. Anyway, if you're truly hurt then let me know who you are, call me if you really knew me(I guess you’re not) so we can talk it over, otherwise pretending like you're anonymous is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you certainly have a lot of issues.

philos said...

Guess not... some anonymous stalker is harassing you huh?

ALiNe said...

Philos- Well... but I'm not, too bad for him =D Cheers!

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