On the way home a foreign(American) girl handed me leaflet on how KFC's do their chicken...
Yuh, I did watched the video presented in their site and the process on how they kill chicken was indeed cruel... but I don't want to go vegetarian, I love meat and I love KFCs chicken (with gravy) and in my opinion it shouldn't be close... maybe KFC needs to have new strategy on how to kill chickens (what the hey!)
Anyway if you are interested to watch their video and join their petition against Kentucky fried chicken... visit kentucky fried cruelty.
That's All!
Oodles for Noodles with Nongshim Shin Toomba
4 days ago
I totally respect vegans and vegetarians, but these people shouldn't impose their worldview on omnivores and carnivors. To each his own dapat. I love animals, but is there really a truly gentle way of killing them for food? Just my two pesos' worth.
That's nothing, I've seen some Mexican kill chicken. They held the fowl by the head, twirl it around, breaking its neck in the process while the poor bird keep squaking, twirl it somemore until the bird died of strangulation.
Hmm...killing helpless animals is wrong no matter how you look at it. The only animals I eat are chicken and fish. Strictly no pork or beef or anything else.
Instead of banning KFC or condemning those that consume the fried chickens, they should focus on getting KFC and other companies to be more responsible by rallying for a strict measure to be imposed on the companies.
hmm... this is how they slaughter pigs too but we all love liempo and lechon. i'm with Oliver san antonio on this, till we find a better way to kill animals for food, we don't have much choice.
@Oliver BSA- Amen! Yung veggies din naman may life e,tas chinachopchop nila...lol
@BlogusVox-Awwww, morbid...
@Share my POV- Agree... but is there really a gentle way?
@Oliboy- Diba? masarap pa din..
God!! This was quite sick... I feel a bit disgusted with how they treated the chickens though... It was terrible... And though this is probably how most of our meat are slaughtered, I would just love to keep myself in the dark with such heinous acts... Makes me enjoy my meat more...
You know what they say... Ignorance is bliss... =)
I'll post this on my blog as well... http://theunemploymentdiariestwo.blogspot.com
Killing is killing no matter how you do it. One can pretend that letting them sleep before slitting their throat is better than them knowing they're going to die, but is it really? I don't quite agree.
How about McDo and others, don't they do the same? Parang napagkakaisahan ang KFC. Pero yung iba, ganun din naman ata.
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